California Adult Education Data
WIOA Title II Database
This WIOA Title II database contains information regarding California’s WIOA Title II programs — English as a Second Language (ESL), Adult Basic Education (ABE), and Adult Secondary Education (ASE). The WIOA Title II funded programs include adult schools, community colleges, community-based organizations, correctional institutions, libraries, and state agencies. All data is available for download into Microsoft Excel®.

California Federal Tables - State Data
View California Federal Tables 1, 2, 3, 4, 4B, 4C, 5, 6, 7, 10, and 14 for the WIOA Title II funded programs (ESL, ABE, and ASE).

California Federal Tables 4 and 4B » Local Agency Data
View local agency California Federal Table 4 and 4B performance for the NRS Educational Functioning Levels. Compare your agency data with California state goals and performance and performance of other local agencies, counties, geographical regions, provider types, and enrollment size.

California WIOA, Title II Employment Follow-up Outcome Measure
View Local Agency Employment Follow-up Outcome Measure. Compare your agency data with California state performance and performance of other local agencies and provider types.


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