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General Information

All students can participate in EL Civics instruction and assessment. However, only ESL students in WIOA II EL Civics education programs can earn payment points for passing COAAP assessments. ABE, ASE, and CTE students can earn CAEP Immigrant Integration Indicator (I3) outcome for CAEP but not payment points for WIOA II. Please see Successful Implementation of COAAPs for CAEP Agencies for a crosswalk for ABE/ASE/CTE student placement into ESL COAAP instructional levels.
Civic Objective#: 54 Program Year: 2019-2020
Civic Objective: Identify the importance of and the barriers to participating in the Decennial Census. Respond to Census questions online and in person.
TOPSpro Form #: 054 AAP #: 54.1
Assessment Type: Oral, Written, Role Play

Level Range

From: Beginning Low To: Advanced

Language and Literacy Objectives

Language and literacy objectives with an asterisk (*) are suitable for beginning low level students.
1 *Respond to personal information questions related to the Census.
2 *Identify and/or describe the Decennial Census and/or its purpose.
3 *Identify and/or describe reasons why completing the Census is important.
4 *Identify and/or describe barriers students might have in completing the Census.
5 Identify and/or describe privacy and confidentiality laws protecting Census information.
6 Write a persuasive email, letter or article explaining the importance of completing the Census.
7 Complete an authentic or simulated Census form online or in print.

Additional Assessment Plan Tasks

Task: 1

Description: Describe why completing the Census is important (BL- BH) 10 points possible
After learning about the importance for all persons living in the U.S. (including: children 0-18, people of any immigration status, etc.) to complete the Decennial Census and about the privacy and confidentiality laws protecting Census information, student will describe up to 5 pictures (BL=4, BH=5), orally or in writing, depicting why completing the Census is important. Pictures can be provided by the agency or drawn or collected by the student. Student, may use words (BL), phrases (BL-BH) or complete sentences.

Points Possible:10Level:Beginning Low - Beginning High
Scoring Rubric Points
Statement is appropriate, clear, complete, and has correct content. Statement is in the form of a complete sentence. There may be errors, but they do not interfere with meaning. 2
Statement is appropriate and has correct content. It may be partially complete. Statement is in the form of words or phrases. There may be errors that interfere with meaning, but the statement can be understood with inference. 1
Statement is inappropriate, incomprehensible, or incorrect, or there is no statement. 0

Task: 2

Description: Complete a Simulated Census form online or in print. (16 points possible)
Given a level-appropriate agency-created case study about 2 persons living in a residence, student will answer up to 16 authentic Census questions (BL-BH= 6 for Person 1, IL = 12 (8 for Person 1 and 4 for Person 2), IH-A = 16 (10 for Person 1 and 6 for Person 2 or 9 for person 1 and 7 for person 2) about Persons 1 and 2 in the case study in order to complete a simulated Census form online or in print. Please note that for purposes of this assessment, student will only answer questions about person 1 and person 2, but student should be advised that student should complete the authentic Census answering questions about all persons living at the place of residence.
Example questions:
1. How many people were living or staying in this house, apartment, or mobile home on April 1, 2020?
2. Were there any additional people staying here April 1, 2020, that you did not include in Question 1?
3. Is this house, apartment, or mobile home: a. Owned with a mortgage or loan? b. Owned free and clear? c. Rented? d. Occupied without payment of rent?
4. What is your telephone number?
5. Please provide information for each person living here. If there is someone living here who pays the rent or owns this residence, start by listing him or her as Person 1. If the owner or the person who pays the rent does not live here, start by listing any adult living here as Person 1.
a. What is Person 1's name?
b. Does this person usually live or stay somewhere else?
c. What is this person's sex?
d. What is this person’s age and what is this person’s date of birth?
e. Is this person of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?
f. What is this person's race?
g. How is this person related to person 1?

Points Possible:16Level:Beginning Low - Advanced
Scoring Rubric Points
Response is correct and comprehensible. 1
Response is incorrect or incomprehensible or there is no response. 0

Task: 3

Description: Participate in a Simulated Conversation with a Census Enumerator (BL-ADV) (Points possible = 18)

Content A (16 points possible)
Given a level-appropriate agency-created case study about 2 persons living in a residence, student will participate in a simulated interview with a Census Enumerator (assessor). Student will use the information in the case study to answer up to 16 authentic Census questions (BL-BH= 6 for Person 1, IL = 12 (8 for Person 1 and 4 for Person 2), IH-A = 16 (10 for Person 1 and 6 for Person 2 or 9 for person 1 and 7 for person 2) ) about Person 1 and Person 2 in the case study. Please note that for purposes of this assessment, student will only answer questions about person 1 and person 2, but student should be advised that student should complete the authentic Census answering questions about all persons living at the place of residence.

For example questions see Task 1: (see Census 2020 for official questions and answer statements/boxes etc. Before Census 2020 is released see the link below for possible questions and answer statements, etc.)

Content B (2 points possible)
Student will use clarification techniques as needed in order to understand the assessor’s questions such as: 1. I don’t understand. Please repeat the question. 2. Please speak more slowly. 3. Did you say race? Did you say Person 1? etc.

Points Possible:18Level:Beginning Low - Advanced
Scoring Rubric Points
Content A
Response is correct and comprehensible. 1
Content B
Clarification strategy(ies) is used appropriately. 2
Content A
Response is incorrect or incomprehensible, or there is no response. 0
Content B
Clarification strategy(ies) is used inappropriately or there is no clarification strategy. 0

Task: 4

Description: Write a persuasive email, letter or article to overcome barriers to census participation (IL-ADV) (20 points possible)
After learning about the importance for all persons living in the U.S. to complete the Decennial Census, about barriers to completing the Census and about the privacy and confidentiality laws protecting Census information, student will complete an authentic writing task such as an article, letter to the editor or an email or a letter to a friend who has concerns about completing the Census such as: “I don’t feel comfortable sharing my information” or “I don’t know how to complete census form” or “I don’t have time to complete the Census form”. Student will use persuasive language to convince the reader to participate in the Decennial Census.
Student will include up to 4 elements (IL=3, IH-A=4) such as:
1. an opening statement including a response to the concern(s)
2. an explanation of the purpose of the Decennial Census
3. an explanation of how to address the concern(s) citing reasons/evidence
4. a persuasive concluding statement which addresses the concern(s) and encourages the reader to complete the Census.

Points Possible:20Level:Intermediate Low - Advanced
Scoring Rubric Points
Addresses all four parts of the task effectively. Ideas are well stated, clearly expressed and supported with concrete, relevant detail. No inference is required. 14
Addresses all four parts of the task adequately. Some ideas may not be well stated. Contains some relevant detail. May require minimal inference. 12
Addresses at least three parts of the task adequately. Some ideas may not be well stated. Contains some relevant detail. May require minimal inference. 10
Addresses at least two parts of the task in a general way. Many ideas may not be well stated. May lack appropriate or sufficient detail or clear focus. May require some inference. 8
Nothing written or content is incomprehensible or inappropriate. 0
Grammar, Structure and Mechanics
Almost no errors in grammar, structure, spelling capitalization or punctuation. 4
Some errors in grammar, structure, spelling, capitalization or punctuation that do not distract the reader. 2
Many errors make the writing difficult to understand even with inference. 0
Format, Neatness and Legibility
Form for writing type (i.e. email, letter, or article) and formatting (i.e., title, address, indentation, margins, etc.) is appropriate and correct; Item is type written or writing is neat and legible. 2
Form writing type (i.e. email, letter, or article) and formatting (i.e., title, address, indentation, margins, etc.) is partially correct; Item is type written or writing may be legible but is not neat. 1
Form and/or formatting is not appropriate and/or correct and/or writing is neither legible nor neat. 0

Rating Scale/Passing Scores

Total Points Possible: 54
Advanced: 48
Intermediate High: 43
Intermediate Low: 29
Beginning High: 18
Beginning Low: 15
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