Item is correctly sorted.
1 |
Item is incorrectly sorted.
0 |
Statement is appropriate, clear, complete, and has correct content. There may be errors, but they do not interfere with meaning.
2 |
Statement is appropriate and has correct content. It may be partially complete. There may be errors that interfere with meaning , but the statement can be understood with inference.
1 |
Statement is inappropriate, incomprehensible, or incorrect, or there is no statement.
0 |
Utterance is appropriate, clear, complete and has correct content. There may be errors, but they do not interfere with meaning.
3 |
Utterance is appropriate and has correct content. It may be partially complete. There may be errors that interfere with meaning, but the utterance can be understood with inference.
2 |
Utterance is appropriate and correct, but answers only one part of the question using a yes or no answer.
1 |
Utterance is inappropriate, incomprehensible, or there is no utterance.
0 |