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General Information

All students can participate in EL Civics instruction and assessment. However, only ESL students in WIOA II EL Civics education programs can earn payment points for passing COAAP assessments. ABE, ASE, and CTE students can earn CAEP Immigrant Integration Indicator (I3) outcome for CAEP but not payment points for WIOA II. Please see Successful Implementation of COAAPs for CAEP Agencies for a crosswalk for ABE/ASE/CTE student placement into ESL COAAP instructional levels.
Civic Objective#: 43 Program Year: 2023-2024
Civic Objective: Identify environmental problems, access environmental organizations and government agencies and recognize appropriate steps for resolution of the problems.
TOPSpro Form #: 434C AAP #: 43.4
Assessment Type: Oral, Written

Level Range

From: Beginning Low To: Advanced

Language and Literacy Objectives

Language and literacy objectives with an asterisk (*) are suitable for beginning low level students.
2 *Identify and describe environmental problems.
3 *Identify community organizations concerned with environmental issues (e.g., local recycling, etc.).
8 *Identify actions people can take to alleviate environmental problems (e.g., recycle; use less gas, less water, electricity; etc.).

Additional Assessment Plan Tasks

Task: 1

Description: Identify and Sort Recyclables and Non-recyclables

Given up to 10 refuse items or pictures of refuse items (BL-BH=6, IL-A=10), student will sort them according to city recycling and disposal standards and place them into categories such as: 1) recyclable organic waste, 2) recyclable paper, 3) recyclable plastics, glass and aluminum, 4) non-recyclable waste, 5) hazardous waste.

Points Possible:10Level:Beginning Low - Advanced
Scoring Rubric Points
Item is correctly sorted. 1
Item is incorrectly sorted. 0

Task: 2

Description: Identify Ways to Save Energy, Save Water and Reduce Waste

Student will create list or chart showing 3 ways (BL-BH =2, IL-A= 3) to save energy, 3 ways (BL-BH=2, IL-A =3) to save water, and 3 ways (BL-BH= 2, IL-A= 3) to reduce waste. Items can be expressed in short phrases (i.e. “turn off the water when you brush your teeth.”)

Points Possible:18Level:Beginning Low - Advanced
Scoring Rubric Points
Statement is appropriate, clear, complete, and has correct content. There may be errors, but they do not interfere with meaning. 2
Statement is appropriate and has correct content. It may be partially complete. There may be errors that interfere with meaning , but the statement can be understood with inference. 1
Statement is inappropriate, incomprehensible, or incorrect, or there is no statement. 0

Task: 3

Description: Inform Others about Recycling and Responsible Disposal

Student will respond orally or in writing to a set of consumer recycling and disposal problems based on the information in Tasks 1 and 2. In response to specific, level appropriate, multi-part consumer questions (BL-BH=2, IL=4, IH-A=5), student will identify issues/problems and recommend solutions. Examples of questions include:
Can we recycle…? How do you know?
How should we dispose of …? Why?
Are there more ecological options for buying….? What are they?

Points Possible:15Level:Beginning Low - Advanced
Scoring Rubric Points
Utterance is appropriate, clear, complete and has correct content. There may be errors, but they do not interfere with meaning. 3
Utterance is appropriate and has correct content. It may be partially complete. There may be errors that interfere with meaning, but the utterance can be understood with inference. 2
Utterance is appropriate and correct, but answers only one part of the question using a yes or no answer. 1
Utterance is inappropriate, incomprehensible, or there is no utterance. 0

Rating Scale/Passing Scores

Total Points Possible: 43
Advanced: 38
Intermediate High: 34
Intermediate Low: 28
Beginning High: 19
Beginning Low: 15
View Civic Obj & AAP List